Medicinal plants in terrace garden, in kitchen garden

 Medicinal plants in terrace garden, in kitchen garden

Terrace gardens are the best options for every houses in cities where space is constraint. These roof top gardens connects us with nature. Environmental pollution made city dwellers to more prone to respiratory diseases which can be considerably avoided by these gardens around the city. Gardening also a stress buster hobby nowadays to over come the stress due to hectic life.  

These terrace gardens and kitchen gardens are nowadays getting more popular due to its benefits they provide us. These gardens must include medicinal plants along with other ornamental plants. 

These herbal plants provide us relief from common cold, flu, minor wounds, infections, itching, inflammation, joint pain, digestive disorders, sleeplessness, muscle spasms, stress and anxiety. 

terrace garden

Locally growing medicinal plants can be easily grown as they adopted to local weather. There are plenty of herbal plants can be grown in terrace garden where they are used for culinary purpose as well as medicinal purpose. 

Home remedies using these herbal plants cure many of ailments without any harmful effects. You can prepare decoction, juice or powder from these herbs can use it in home remedies. 

Among them tulsi, doddapathre, giloy, chakramuni, suruli plant, aloe vera, bhumyamalaki, brahmi, pepper mint, lemon grass, turmeric, ginger can be planted in your terrace garden or in your kitchen garden and you can harvest when you need them.

Holy basil or tulsi

Tulsi plant

Tulsi is a sacred herbal plant which is common in Indian houses. Its scientific name is Ocimum sanctum which is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine and in home remedies. It can be grown in pots which needs good amount of sunlight and fertile soil. 

Tulsi cures cold, cough, skin problems and respiratory disorders. It improves our immunity and it has antiviral properties. Tulsi plant is considered as sacred and worshipped in India for centuries.

Lemon grass 

Lemon grass

Lemon grass which is lemon flavoured used in cooking and in home remedies. Lemon grass essential oil is used in aromatherapy which relieves from stress and relaxes our mood. It promotes sleep and improves immunity of our body. 

Lemon grass grown in garden acts as mosquito repellent. Lemon grass oil strengthens hair root and removes dandruff. Lemon grass adds special fragrance to dishes. 



Having scientific name Centella asiatica and also called ondelaga, maduka parni. Brahmi plant is a creeper which grows easily in moisture containing sail. It has ear shaped small leaves can be grown in pots easily. 

All the parts of the brahmi is used in medicine which cures skin problems, heart problems, loss of appetite, fever, cough and anaemia. Importantly it helps to improve memory power. It is used as fresh or dry form. Rasam, thambuli and other dishes are prepared using brahmi plant.

Dodda pathre 

Dodda pathre

Dodda pathre called Indian borage is a herb which grows up to 2 feet in moisture containing well drained soil. Its scientific name is Coleus amboinicus. This plant has fleshy leaves with special fragrance.

Dodda pathre leaves are used in home remedies which cures indigestion, skin rashes, cold, cough, insect bite and other ailments. Rasam, thambuli and bonda prepared using dodda pathre leaves.

Pepper mint

pepper mint

Having scientific name Mentha arvensis, pepper mint plant is a small plant grows in well drained moisture containing soil. its leaves have special fragrance and flavour. Easily vaporising oil present in leaves is the reason for its fragrance.

Pepper mint leaves removes bad breath and keep teeth infections at bay. It improves appetite and treats stomach pain due to indigestion. It avoids constipation and also prevents and cures acne and rashes. Mint leaves are widely used in preparing many dishes as it enhances the flavour taste of the dishes. 



Called guduchi, amrutha balli  this giloy plant scientific name is Tinospora cordifolia. This is a vine which grows easily in pots and climbs any support. Well drained fertile soil and moisture is necessary for this vine. 

Giloy can be grown using plant cuttings or seeds. Its leaves and stem is used for medicinal purpose. It has innumerable medicinal values which can cure skin diseases, fever and jaundice. Its stem juice improves immunity and divine medicine for diabetes. 

Chakramuni plant

multivitamin plant

Chakramuni which is called sweet leaf  or multivitamin plant and its scientific name is Sauroupus androgynus. It can be grown in pots from plant cuttings. Grows up 1-2 feet and this plant has dark green leaves which resembles curry leaves. 

Chakramuni leaves are packed with rich nutrients which provides necessary vitamins and minerals for our body when used regularly with food. It treats anaemia and its leaves are diuretic and gives necessary strength and energy to our body. It also improves digestion and avoids constipation. 


turmeric plant

Called as haridra and having scientific name Curcuma longa, turmeric root is used as spice which gives colour and taste to the food. Dry powder of the root is used for culinary purpose and in home remedies. 

This plant grown in pots and takes 6-8 months to harvest the roots and these roots are boiled and dried and powdered which is widely used as spice. It treats cold, skin diseases, eye pain, diabetes. Turmeric has traditional and religious importance. 



Ginger is common ingredient used in many dishes and root of the plant is used in preparing dishes and used in many home remedies. Its scientific name is Zingiber officinale. It can be easily grown in pots and this plant needs well drained soil and moisture. When the leaves starts to dry then the roots are ready for harvest. 

Ginger cures common cold, cough, throat infection, inflammation, respiratory disorders, indigestion, loss of appetite. Ginger mixed with jaggery and ghee is the best medicine for lactating mothers which improves immunity, avoids gas formation, improves digestion.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Very easily growing in most of the weather and soil condition aloe vera scientific name is Liliaceae and called kumari in Sanskrit. Colourless fleshy part inside the leaf is used in home remedies which cures many ailments. 

Aloe vera cures skin diseases, piles, constipation, liver problems and when applied on hair removes dandruff and itching. Its juice prepared when taken daily improves immunity. 


nela nelli

Bhumyamalaki plant which is called nela nelli and its scientific name is Phyllanthus fraternus. This is a small plant which grows as weeds in gardens and even in pots also. It is a special medicinal plant and whole plant used in medicine.

Bhumyamalaki cures jaundice when its decoction taken regularly. It also cures other liver disorders and removes gall stones. Its juice cures skin diseases and prevents any viral diseases. 

Suruli plant

kanne kudi

Suruli plant which is also called kanne kudi which grows as weeds in western ghats region where its leaves are used as leaf vegetable and also used in home remedies. Its shoots are curled and hence the name suruli plant which is unique nature of this plant. 

Regular use of this leaves boosts our immunity and helps in digestion and avoids constipation. It is used to prepare dishes like thambuli, chutney and rasam. Its decoction is also used to cure cold and cough.

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