Pets role in reducing stress,anxiety, depression

 Pets role in reducing stress, anxiety, depression

Pets like cats, dogs, birds bring cheerfulness and happiness in our life. They calm down our mind and boosts our mood. Many studies also shown that pets in home benefits greatly. They provide social support, unconditional love and faithful companionship. Both physical and mental health improves because of positive effect on our mind induced by those pets.

In these modern busy life everyone is busy and it is causing stress and anxiety due to competition and hectic work. People have no time to for recreational activities and follow their hobbies. This pressure creates stress in people which can be overcome by spending quality time with their pets. 

cats, ram and sham

Nowadays people are recognising Pets role  in reducing stress, anxiety, depression. They usually keep one or the other pets at home. Nuclear family culture is also adding pets as additional members of the family. 

In cities it is responsibility of the owner where pets should not create any problems to their neighbours. They should consider this seriously. 

Keeping pets like cats, dogs have many benefits  like we can go for walk with them, having birds and fish relieves us from stress and strain, relieves from pain and improves our self confidence.

Dogs are always known for their love towards their owner. Dogs love to be with their owner. They need their owner's attention. Dogs also understands many directions given by its owner and it also understands many words from its owner. Dogs reply to their owners by wagging their tail as if they understood everything. This attachment boosts owners mood and relieves from stress and anxiety. 


Dogs sometime understand the emotional status of its owner. They wait for their owner coming home after work and they some time remind their owner for daily walk or other daily routine. Dogs always keep watch its home and avoids any intruder. Most pet dogs recognise their owner friends and relatives and only bark at foreigners. Even dogs sense any danger to their owner and there are many instances they saved their owner's life.

Cats are attractive pets like dogs which always love to sleep beside their owner and lick their owner while showing their love for their owner. Cats purr when its owner show love towards it. It is so amazing to see the utmost care taken by the cats in rearing their kittens. Feeding and taking take of cats helps in reducing stress due to hectic work and busy life.

Ram and sham


Pet birds also so cute and it gives good feeling when we watch and feed birds and fish. If we spend time with watching birds activity daily for sometime it relieves us from anxiety and stress and relaxed our mood. 

Some pet birds even learn to imitate humans. It is also surprising thing to see their caring nature of little ones and feeding them. Feeding birds and fish always brings a satisfied feeling to our mind . It is scientifically proven that watching fish activity for sometime daily reduces stress and depression. 

Keep you fit and fine

If you have a dog in your home your daily routine is to feed it, going for a walk with the dog. This is an added advantage for you to be fit. Every morning and evening walk with your dog helps you to be fit and healthy. It also controls cholesterol level and in turn improves heart health. Rather than walking alone it is nice to be with your pet dog. This avoids loneliness and relaxes one's mind. 

Dogs always show unconditional love towards their owner which is appealing. Even cats also love to be with their owner's company. Dogs are great company for older people and pets are good companions to get from loneliness in older age and they keep their mood relaxed and it improves their health also. Some studies shown that activities involving with pets lowers the stress related hormone and lowers blood pressure. 

cocktail bird

A hobby to follow

Keeping pets like dogs, cats, birds, fish is a good hobby. We can spend quality time with these pets as our daily routine includes feeding them, cleaning their cages, cleaning them. Feeding of animals give utmost satisfaction for many who love animal and birds. 

These pets helps to come out of depression and anxiety and improves our mood. Even pet animals and birds love to be with their owner and they need to spend some time with family members. 

fish aquarium

Children benefit from pets

Children always love animals company and they also love to play with pets and it is a good time pass rather than playing with artificial toys, playing game in mobile or watching television. Pets indirectly increase physical activity of children. Some studies shown that children immunity power increases when they play with pets. 

Children will be playful with pets and they learn to care and cleaning. They also learn sharing and volunteering.  Pets are a great company for child who feels lonely when parents are busy with work schedule.


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