11 Best vasthu plants for prosperity, luck for home

11 Best vasthu plants for prosperity, luck for home

Earth which is comprised of five fundamental elements soil, air, sky, water and fire which are source of life. All living creatures including human beings exists because of these elements. 

As nature is closely related to human beings it is believed that plants in nature brings positivity in our life. Plants kept  in home always brings cheerfulness in us and freshness in our mood rather than artificial items.

According to vasthu shasthra particular plants grown around living areas bring luck and prosperity in our life. Many plants are kept indoor in particular direction are said to bring good luck and health in our life. These plants are called vasthu plants or lucky plants or feng shui plants which brings calmness and peace. 

Scientifically these vasthu plants are known for environmental cleansing properties. These plants produce more oxygen and keeps air clean around them. They absorb harmful radiation in surrounding atmosphere. It is proven that these lucky plants decreases stress and calms our mind.

Tulsi plant

Holy basil

There are many vasthu plants which we can grow in our home. Tulsi is one of them and according to Hinduism tulsi plant is considered as a sacred and auspicious plant. You can see Tulsi plant in country yard of every home in India. Tulsi needs more sunlight to grow and it is grown outside the house. 

It is said that this plant should be grown in east or north east direction. It brings health and prosperity in our life. It is also believed that this plant avoids negativity and evil spirits in and around house. Tulsi is also a best herbal medicinal plant which cures many ailments and used in Ayurvedic medicine. 

Peace lily

peace lily

Peace lily one of lucky plant which can be kept indoor as it needs less sunlight. It is said that this plant brings calmness and peace in our mind.  It also brings good luck and fortune in our life. It cleans atmosphere in and around the home. Its large dark green leaves and elegant white flowers makes our mind cheerful. 

Rubber plant

Rubber plant

Another vasthu plant for indoor is rubber plant. This can grow well in shaded area and hence you can keep it indoor. This plant is said to bring wealth, good luck and prosperity in our life. This plant also cleans outside atmosphere in our home and produces more oxygen. 

Bamboo plant 

Lucky bamboo plant

Bamboo plant is considered as one of the vasthu plant or lucky plant which is kept in our home. It is best to keep indoor as it needs less sunlight. It is believed that bamboo plant brings good luck and fame and it avoids evil spirits. It also said that it brings financial gains in one's life and good health. It is best to keep this plant in east or south east direction. It is one of the common indoor plant.

Money plant 

Money plant

Money plant is a lucky plant which you can grow inside or outside of your home. It grows well indoor as it needs less sunlight. It is a climber which needs a support to climb. This plant is said to bring prosperity in our life. 

This plant cleans air by producing more oxygen and it absorbs radiation around it. It brings calmness in our mind and relieves from anxiety and creates positiveness in home. It is best to keep this plant in south east direction. 

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of vasthu plant and also a herbal plant. It always beneficial grow this plant inside or outside to get health benefits from this plant. It brings positivity and absorbs lot of carbon dioxide and produces more amount of oxygen. This in turn purifies surrounding air. Aloe vera has lot of health benefits a must grow plant in every home.It is best to keep this plant in north or east direction. It needs shade and it is also an indoor plant.

Banana plant 

banana plant

Banana plant is said to bring good luck and grown in many houses. Banana leaves, stem and fruit is used for culinary and medicinal purposes and you can see banana plant in country yard of most of south Indian houses. It is also said that it brings luck and prosperity in one's life. According to Vasthu it is best to grow this plant in north east direction. 

Lemon plant

Lemon plant

Citrus plants like lemon plant is considered as lucky plant which brings good luck and fortune to the home. It brings cheerfulness and good health. As they need sunlight it is best to grow it in outdoor. Lemon plant is grown in east or north direction. 



Beautiful chrysanthemum flowers are considered sacred and offered to god. This plant is a lucky plant to grow in our home. It is believed that this plant brings prosperity and happiness in our life. It brings positivity in our life. There are many variety of chrysanthemum flowers which are very attractive relaxes our mind.

Coconut tree 

coconut tree

Coconut tee is considered as vasthu plant and it is believed that growing this tree outside the house bring good luck and fame for the home owner. Coconuts are offered to god during worshipping. Coconut tree is grown south or west direction of backyard. 

Neem tree

neem leaves

Neem tree is considered sacred and auspicious and according to vasthu it brings good health and positivity in our life. It is best to grow this tree in the north west direction. It purifies the air we breathe and its leaves and bark are used in herbal medicine. 

Do's and Don'ts

It is always beneficial to grow plants indoor and outdoor as they provide best environment and clean atmosphere to us. Many plants like lemon grass, morigold plant are best insect repellers and they keep harmful insects at bay.

Many plants blossoms have nice fragrance which induces freshness in surroundings and these plants grown brings positiveness in surrounding area.

According to belief some plants should not be kept in our home as they bring negativity in our life. Plants containing thorns should not be grown in front of our house. Dried plants and dead plants should not be kept in our home as they bring bad luck.

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