Memory booster brahmi

 Memory booster brahmi : 

Brahmi is a powerful herb which boosts memory and it has the scientific name Centella asiatica.  In Sanskrit, it is known as Mandooka parni.

Its innumerable medicinal properties made this plant a life saviour and also used as a green -vegetable. This plant stem has only one circle-shaped light green leaf at the tip. It is a creeper that creeps on the ground producing root at every node. Brahmi grows in wet fields and farms. 

Brahmi memory booster

Brahmi mainly improves the health and strength of the brain and mind.  It also enhances longevity and memory-booster. It strengthens our grasping power, enhances concentration, and improves mental ability. 

In India, since ancient times Brahmi is used in home remedies and is taken with food as a leaf vegetable which is very nutritious.

Brahmi tastes bitter and sweet. It balances the doshas in our body according to Ayurveda.  It benefits the heart, rejuvenates the body,  clears the voice.

Brahmi is anti-toxic and it also cures seizures, mental disorders, heart ailments, anemia, nerve weakness.

Brahmi is used in many forms. Its fresh leaves and also whole plant including roots also used in medicine as well as in cooking.  Its leaves are dried in shade and powdered and this powder is used as medicine.  Its Rasayana is prepared also used as medicine.

Brahmi in home remedies : 

In Ayurveda, it is widely used in dried powder form.  The Brahmi powder is added to cow ghee is taken early morning followed by cow milk with sugar for three months improves memory power, intelligence, immunity of our body.  It benefits our long life and health.

Chew 5-6 leaves every day in the morning followed by a glass of milk for 6 months, cures stammering and an impediment in speech.

Brahmi very effectively cures migraines and other headaches due to stress.  It also helps to calm down from mood swings.

If you take Brahmi juice regularly it improves digestion, relieves irritable bowel syndrome. It is also a good appetizer.

Brahmi home remedies

Brahmi juice is a good nerve tonic that rejuvenates and strengthens the nervous system. For this, you can also take Brahmi boiled with milk and rock sugar.  It increases the energy level during the day and also calms down our mind at night and helps us to have good sleep.  It also relieves insomnia. 

Chewing of 5-6 leaves followed by milk or water improves the memory power of children and as well as elders. It improves the condition of overactive children by calming down.  Because of its cooling effect on the body, in monsoon, Brahmi leaves are taken with black pepper.

As it is a good brain tonic it is also used to cure Alzheimer's disease and dementia in elders. 

It reduces blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. 

Brahmi removes toxins from the skin and regenerates cells that cure eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Brahmi leaves juice mixed with pepper and a paste is prepared and applied to the skin.

Indian long pepper is soaked in Brahmi juice for seven days. Every day fresh juice is used. Then it is dried and powdered and used to remove the effect of alcohol on the liver. This powder also effective to cure cough and asthma.

Brahmi oil : 

Brahmi oil is a very helpful massaging oil.  The main ingredients of Brahmi oil are Brahmi leaves and coconut oil or sesame oil. 

Brahmi oil preparation : 

Boil Brahmi leaves with water until 1/4 of water remains.  Then add coconut oil and boil it in low flame till the water content gets evaporated and then keep it for two days as it is.  Then remove Brahmi residues and store the oil in a glass bottle.

Benefits of Brahmi oil : 

Brahmi oil massaging helps to get good sleep and calms down our minds.  It relieves anxiety and stress.

Massaging oil relieves knee pain, joint pain, and inflammation in our body.

Brahmi oil also removes dandruff from hair and strengthens hair roots and this avoids hair fall.

Brahmi herbal tonic preparation : 

Brahmi herbal tonic improves memory and gives nutrients to our body.  It also rejuvenates and strengthens the brain and nervous system.

200 gm of Brahmi dry powder, 200 gm almond powder, 25 gm of black pepper powder, and 600 gm of rock sugar are mixed together.  This powder is taken with milk every morning and evening daily.

Brahmi in the recipe : 

Brahmi leaves and also the whole plant is used as ingredients in many dishes.  It is used in chutneys, thambuli, rasam, salads and in curries.  

Brahmi thambuli : 

Brahmi thambuli is prepared using the Brahmi plant as a whole and also with other plant leaves like palak, coriander, curry leaves, moringa leaves.  If you use this thambuli daily at the beginning of lunch with rice, your body health improves.  It helps in digestion, treats constipation. It also avoids fat accumulation in the body.  It rejuvenates nerves and the brain.

brahmi in recipe

Ingredients needed for thambuli : 

Brahmi leaves or plants 10-15

Cumin 1/2 tsp

Black pepper 8-10

Fresh grated coconut 1/.2 cup

Curry leaves 5-6

Mustard seeds 1/4 tsp 

Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp 


Ghee 2 tsp

Curd or buttermilk 1 cup

Garlic 8-10 

Preparation : 

Take ghee in a pan and add black pepper and cumin to it, after cumin fries add Brahmi leaves to it.  Fry it well and then add freshly grated coconut to it. Then grind it adding turmeric powder and salt.

For seasoning, take ghee in a pan and add mustard seeds, curry leaves, and garlic to it and fry well and add this to thambuli mixture.  Finally, add curd to it.


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