Seethaphala health benefits, cultivation

Seethaphala health benefits, cultivation

Called sugar apple, sweetsop, cherimoya,  this Seethaphala in English is Custard Apple has a thick rind with pale green colour and the inner part is fleshy with black seeds. The fleshy inner part is sweet and fragrant and this creamy white part of the fruit tastes like custard, hence the name.

Seethaphala is packed with protein, dietary fibre, thiamine, vitamin A, B, C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium and hence it has a lot of health benefits and it is one of the healthiest fruit.

seetha phala

The Seethaphala tree is a small one and the flowers are light yellow trumpet-shaped with a pungent and sweet smell. Custard apples are ready to eat when the fruit turns soft. You can gently press it and open it.

Seethaphala contains natural sugar which helps to overcome muscle weakness and its nutrients strengthen our body. Custard apple pulp with milk, when taken gives instant energy. It makes a cooling effect on our body.

Persons suffering from kidney problems should avoid custard apple because of their high potassium content. Even diabetes patients should avoid this fruit because it contains natural sugar in a good amount.

custard apple

Health benefits of Seethaphala

Good for heart

Custard apple contains a high quantity of potassium and magnesium and low in sodium which protects our heart. It controls blood pressure. It also decreases cholesterol and detoxifies the body. It removes unwanted fat from the body.

For skin and eye

It contains vitamin A which improves the health of the eyes and skin. Its nutrients make your skin glow and improve the health of the skin. 

For joints

Custard apple is a source of calcium and magnesium which is needed to balance the water content of our body and removes acids from joints. This reduces the symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis. It treats joint pain. It also prevents loss of bone density and strengthens bones.

Relaxes mind

Custard apple contains vitamin B 6 which plays an important role in creating and regulating our mood and reduce the symptoms of depression.

Immunity booster

custard apple contains vitamin C with other nutrients boosts our body immunity and prevents many ailments. It also removes free radicals from our body. 

For stomach problems

It improves digestion and prevents stomach ulcers and acidity. The high fibre content in custard apple avoids constipation and regular taking this fruit helps to avoid any gastrointestinal problems. The copper content in custard apple helps to cure diarrhoea and dysentery.


Custard apple improves haemoglobin level and treats the anaemic condition. It helps in oxygen supply throughout the body easily. 


Its nutrients prevent body cells from ageing and help in longevity. It also avoids wrinkles formation and pigmentation. 


It contains a lot of dietary fibre which helps good bowel movement and avoids constipation. It also helps in digestion. 

Seethaphala seeds use

custard apple seeds

Seethaphala seeds are powdered and paste is prepared with water and applied on hair before hair wash. It removes lice from hair. It avoids itching and infection.

Seethaphala leaves use

Seethaphala leaves paste is applied on boils cures it effectively. 

Decoction of leaves relieves from cold.

 Seethaphala smoothie

Seethaphala with curd is a healthy drink that helps in digestion and improves haemoglobin level. It is a very delicious drink which should be added to our regular diet.

Ingredients needed

Seethaphala 2

Curd 1 cup

Cardamom powder 1/2 tsp

Cashew 4-6

Almond  4-6


Take out the pulp from Seethaphala.

Separate seeds from the pulp.

Blend this pulp in a mixer and add curd to it. 

Then add cardamom powder, crushed cashew and almond to it and mix well. 

custard tree

Cultivation of Seethaphala

Seethaphala plant can be grown sowing seeds. You can grow it in containers also. It flowers in the month of May. Fruit is harvested in the mansoon season. It needs well-drained soil and a good fertiliser. It needs full sunlight. 

The Seethaphala plant is prone to insect and fungal attacks. Therefore it necessary to provide insecticide and fungicide regularly. 

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