Amrutha balli benefits, immunity booster, home remedies

Amrutha balli benefits, immunity booster, home remedies : 

Guduchi, amruta are the names of Giloy plant in Sanskrit. The scientific name of this perennial herb is Tinospora Cordifolia.  As this plant thrives to live longer and makes us live longer, the name amrita was given to this plant, which means immortal.

It is a giant climber which needs supporting the tree to climb.  If climate and soil conditions are good, amrutha balli plant spreads to a larger area easily.  Its leaves resemble betel leaves. Almost every part of the plant can be used as medicine.

tinospora immunity booster

It can be easily grown in different soil condition and different weather condition. Giloy plant grows mainly in the Indian subcontinent.  In India, this plant has been used extensively in home remedies for ages. 

Although every part of the plant is used in medicine, the stem part of the plant is most beneficial.

Giloy is antioxidant, antipyretic, antiallergic and promotes longevity.  

Giloy as fresh leaves and stem is used in medicine as well as its parts are dried and powdered to get churna. This churna is used in Ayurvedic medicines and in-home remedies.  
When the stem of the plant cut, a starch-like sticky substance oozes out which is more beneficial. The stem part is crushed and kept in water at night.  The next morning some starch like substance settles down at the bottom and you have taken this juice on empty stomach.

Giloy home remedies

The stem part with a good amount of thickness is selected cautiously to get more benefit.   That stem should have some side branches. The dried powder of the stem is taken for different diseases in different doses. 

Amrutha balli in home remedies : 

Amrutha balli improves platelet count and reduces fever as it is antipyretic.  It is used to treat dengue, swine flu, fever, throat infection, sneezing and cough and body ache.   

It also reduces diabetes, reduces the symptoms of arthritis.  It helps in managing blood glucose levels. 

Some studies have shown that Giloy juice may kill cancer cells. For better result wheatgrass juice is mixed with Giloy juice is taken.

Wheatgrass juice, Amrutha balli stem juice, 5-6 leaves of Tulsi, 5-6 neem leaves, turmeric powder together taken improves the anaemic condition.  

giloy benefits

You can chew daily, piece of the stem of this plant, which is good for immunity.

If you take the juice of Giloy daily, it cures many blood disorders. 

It has antiviral property, thus it may control many viral diseases.

Giloy is used in the case of obesity.  It helps to burn unwanted fat and reduces body weight.

It removes free radicals from our body which is formed in our body due to environmental factors.

Giloy leaf paste is applied on wounds which in turn increases the rate of the healing process. 

Giloy juice is used to treat anorexia as it helps in digestion and metabolism.

Its leaves paste is also applied to hair which controls hair fall.

Its regular intake calms down the mind, reduces stress and anxiety. 

It also helps to overcome respiratory problems. 

Amrutha balli stem juice preparation : 

Giloy stem with side branches, with the thickened outer layer, is selected and cut into pieces. It is crushed and boiled with water for up to  5-8 minutes. This is strained and used.  This tastes bitter.  Honey is added to it to avoid bitterness.  You can also use leaves of Giloy to prepare juice but the stem part is more beneficial. 

Giloy juice for immunity : 

Giloy stem pieces 4-6 inches, 3-4 tulsi leaves, 2-3 black pepper, 2-inch ginger are boiled with 2 cups of water for 5-8 minutes.  It is taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach.  It boosts the immunity of the body.

Amrutha balli Cultivation :

Giloy can be grown from its seeds and from plant cuttings.  Seeds are soaked in water for a day and they are covered and kept will germinate. The plant cutting grows easily.

 It is better to cultivate the plant in the mansoon season. Plant cuttings are planted and manured well. It is watered regularly.  It needs a supporting tree to climb.  The draining system of the soil must be good. 

It is better to let the one-meter distance from another plant as the plant spreads to a larger area easily.  This plant Shed leaves in winter. This plant is less prone to disease and insect attack. 

The leaves and stem are collected after 4-5 months and dried and used in medicine.  

It is said that if Giloy plant climbs a neem tree, which is called neem giloy, it has more beneficial medicinal property. 

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